北京莱艾特科技发展有限公司(Beijing Lab Anim Tech Develp Co.,LTD.)联手国内多位知名生命科学研究领域的工作者发起实验动物科技网,旨在收集生命科学领域研究工作者的需求信息,为一线科技工作者解决难题提供便利。网络平台提供生命科学研究领域最新仪器、耗材和试剂(包括活体动物)的渠道信息及技术信息、大型科研仪器共享及学术交流服务。
莱艾特科技公司现已成为北京大学、清华大学、中国农业大学、首都医科大学、中国疾病预防控制中心职业卫生与中毒控制所、中国检验检疫科学研究院、军事医学科学研究院、解放军302医院、中国农业科学院、中国动物疫病预防控制中心、北京市畜牧兽医总站、世界500强企业AstraZeneca Investment (China) Co.,Ltd、Novo Nordisk Research Centre China、Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd、和中国科学院采购平台喀斯玛商城、云采通高校采购联盟、高校竞价采购平台、实验动物一站式采购平台等多家单位的平台备案服务供应商,同时公司不断地完善,提高,以严格的科学管理,一流的售后来服务广大新老客户。
Beijing Lab Anim Tech Develp Co., LTD. is a new high-tech company in Beijing City. The company owns a gold sales team with rich experience and timely &high efficiency. our mission is providing solution to Life Scientific Research, whilst, our prospect is becoming a professional company in Laboratory Service Field in China.
In Suzhou city Jiangsu province and Shenzhen city Guangdong province, the company has advanced equipment and it is a professional company involved in the production of laboratory animal equipment more than 10 years. Products of the company are sold to all over the country, occupying a business share of 80% in domestic market and are also exported to countries such as US, UK, Japan, Mauritius and so on. The quality of products is up to international standard and is well appraised by foreign merchants.
The major products include Individual Ventilated Cages(IVC), large-scale rigid plastic/soft plastic sterile isolator, stainless steel sterile operational isolator, stainless steel chicken isolator, SPF laminar flow cabinet, as well as stainless steel series cages for rabbit, monkey, dog, cat, mouse, rat, guinea pig and the central exhaust ventilation cage system. The monkey chair technology independent researched and developed by the company has reached the international level.
电 话:86-10-62969989
传 真:86-10-62969989
邮 箱:info@bjlat.com
联系人: 任老师 13693101716;13911844318
刘老师 13661381711
Skype : xfgeng18
地 址:北京市海淀区农大南路88号泰来商务大厦3层312室(100084)
公司名称: | 北京莱艾特科技发展有限公司 | 英文名称: | Lab Anim Tech Development Co.,LTD. |
企业类型: | 有限公司 | 经营模式: | 仪器设备 |
注册资本: | 人民币 210 万 | 注册所在地: | 北京市海淀区农大南路88号泰来商务大厦三层312A室 |
公司成立时间: | 2014年03月06日 | 主营行业: | 仪器设备常用仪器专用仪器实验试剂实验耗材通用试剂专用试剂常用耗材专用耗材产品中心 |
主要经营地点: | 北京市海淀区农大南路88号泰来商务大厦三层312A室 | 主营产品: | 实验动物仪器设备医学研究医疗器械实验动物技术开发技术服务技术咨询 |
联系人: | 耿老师 | 公司电话: | 010-62969989 |
传真: | 010-62969989 | 手机: | 13911844318 |
地址: | 圆明园西路2号中国农业大学南院68号楼 | 邮编: | 100094 |
公司主页: | http://www.bjlat.com | 邮箱: | xfgeng@bjlat.com |