这项研究的联合论文作者柯蒂斯·李伟利说:“据红皇后假说(The Red Queen hypothesis)推测,性行为应该有助于寄主避开寄生虫感染,而自体授精增加了被感染的风险。”这些研究人员着眼于两群蠕虫,一群通过交配繁殖后代,而另一群只能通过自体授精。研究发现,后者更容易被细菌感染和死亡。他们对这些蠕虫繁殖的20代后代进行了研究。
Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1206360
Running with the Red Queen: Host-Parasite Coevolution Selects for Biparental Sex
Morran, Levi T.; Schmidt, Olivia G.; Gelarden, Ian A.; Parrish, Raymond C.; Lively, Curtis M.
Most organisms reproduce through outcrossing, even though it comes with substantial costs. The Red Queen hypothesis proposesthat selection from coevolving pathogens facilitates the persistence of outcrossing despite these costs. We used experimentalcoevolution to test the Red Queen hypothesis and found that coevolution with a bacterial pathogen (Serratia marcescens) resulted in significantly more outcrossing in mixed mating experimental populations of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Furthermore, we found that coevolution with the pathogen rapidly drove obligately selfing populations to extinction, whereasoutcrossing populations persisted through reciprocal coevolution. Thus, consistent with the Red Queen hypothesis, coevolvingpathogens can select for biparental sex.