对体形极小的豌豆蚜来说,它们的身体颜色关乎其生死:其身体的红色和绿色变化决定了它们对野外不同的掠食者及寄生虫的易感性。 如今,研究人员发现了一种特别的被称作立克次氏小体的细菌,这种细菌可将该昆虫的身体颜色从红色变成绿色;这一发现清楚地表明,遗传学之外的因素也可影响这种重要的身体特征。 Tsutomu Tsuchida及其同事对法国的豌豆蚜的基因组进行了筛检。当时他们发现,有几株绿色的豌豆蚜会生出红色的后代。
随着这些豌豆蚜后代的成长,研究人员注意到,该昆虫的身体颜色也从红色变成绿色。 因此,研究人员开始调查已知的会感染蚜虫并影响其范围广泛的诸如对高温的耐受性或对天敌的抵抗力等特征的不同的内生菌。 研究人员发现了一种过去未知的致病性共生菌。
他们用抗菌素治疗以清除该蚜虫的其它感染以便聚焦于这种新发现的立克次氏小体。 Tsuchida及其同事说,该立克次氏小体看来可增加蚜虫中的蓝-绿色素的量,但一点也不会影响它们的黄-红色素。 根据这些发现,他们建议,该内共生菌性的关系会影响掠食者-被掠食者之间的关系,以及在这一众所周知的昆虫性害虫的种群中的寄生关系。
Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1195463
Symbiotic Bacterium Modifies Aphid Body Color
Tsutomu Tsuchida1,*?, Ryuichi Koga2,?, Mitsuyo Horikawa3, Tetsuto Tsunoda3, Takashi Maoka4, Shogo Matsumoto1, Jean-Christophe Simon5 and Takema Fukatsu2,*
1Molecular Entomology Laboratory, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Wako 351-0198, Japan.
2National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba 305-8566, Japan.
3Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokushima Bunri University, Tokushima 770-8514, Japan.
4Research Institute for Production Development, Kyoto 606-0805, Japan.
5Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, UMR 1099 BiO3P, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)/Agrocampus Ouest/Université Rennes 1, BP 35327, 35653 Le Rheu Cedex, France.
Color variation within populations of the pea aphid influences relative susceptibility to predators and parasites. We have discovered that infection with a facultative endosymbiont of the genus Rickettsiella changes the insects’ body color from red to green in natural populations. Approximately 8% of pea aphids collected in Western Europe carried the Rickettsiella infection. The infection increased amounts of blue-green polycyclic quinones, whereas it had less of an effect on yellow-red carotenoid pigments. The effect of the endosymbiont on body color is expected to influence prey-predator interactions, as well as interactions with other endosymbionts.