
来源:上海天翎净化 发布时间:2015年08月31日 浏览次数: 【字体: 收藏 打印文章
实验室装修的原则 实验室装修时非常讲究和严谨的,如果不注意的话就会影响研究的效果,下面我们就讲一下实验室装修的原则 Very particular about the laboratory decoration and rigorous, if not careful you will affect the study effect, below we talk about laboratory renovation principle 1.温湿度控制,涉及到空调,除湿机的配置等 1 control of temperature and humidity, relates to the air-conditioning, dehumidifierconfiguration etc. 2.通风系统,一定要的; 2 ventilation system, must; 3.防震防火,一般没问题; 3 anti fire, generally no problem; 4.防尘,注意门窗的设计; The 4 dust, pay attention to the design of doors and windows; 5.电源,注意有没有三相电和两相电的特别需要。关键还是电路的问题,有些要单独布线的 The 5 power, noting any three-phase electric and two-phase electric special needs.The key still circuit problem, some want to separate wiring 6.气体管路的布置,要安全合理。 The 6 gas pipeline layout, to be safe and reasonable. 实验室装修要根据仪器的要求做出相应的设计,总之实验室装修要讲究科学合理安全 Laboratory renovation to make corresponding design according to the requirements of the laboratory instrument, in the decoration should pay attention to scientific and reasonable security