奥地利维也纳生物中心Alexander Stark研究团队揭示了果蝇转录共抑制因子和增强子之间广泛的调控特异性。2023年7月14日,《科学》杂志发表了这一研究成果。
Title: Widespread regulatory specificities between transcriptional co-repressors and enhancers in Drosophila
Author: Jelle Jacobs, Michaela Pagani, Christoph Wenzl, Alexander Stark
Issue&Volume: 2023-07-14
Abstract: Gene expression is controlled by the precise activation and repression of transcription. Repression is mediated by specialized transcription factors (TFs) that recruit co-repressors (CoRs) to silence transcription, even in the presence of activating cues. However, whether CoRs can dominantly silence all enhancers or display distinct specificities is unclear. In this work, we report that most enhancers in Drosophila can be repressed by only a subset of CoRs, and enhancers classified by CoR sensitivity show distinct chromatin features, function, TF motifs, and binding. Distinct TF motifs render enhancers more resistant or sensitive to specific CoRs, as we demonstrate by motif mutagenesis and addition. These CoR-enhancer compatibilities constitute an additional layer of regulatory specificity that allows differential regulation at close genomic distances and is indicative of distinct mechanisms of transcriptional repression.
DOI: adf6149