

2014年03月14日 浏览量: 评论(0) 来源: 作者: 责任编辑:test
摘要:Welcome to the Whole Mouse Catalog! This Web site serves as a central place to find numerous Internet resources of particular interest to scientific researchers using mice or rats in their work. Please note that the choice of links is subject to the author's highly subjective opinion. The most important criteria is that the linked page be obviously useful to at least some biomedical researchers in their own work that uses mice or rats.

Welcome to the Whole Mouse Catalog! This Web site serves as a central place to find numerous Internet resources of particular interest to scientific researchers using mice or rats in their work. Please note that the choice of links is subject to the author's highly subjective opinion. The most important criteria is that the linked page be obviously useful to at least some biomedical researchers in their own work that uses mice or rats.

This resource was formerly the Mouse and Rat Research Home Page, which was located at CalTech. It now has its own permanent site address <>, which will find it no matter where it happens to be located in the future.

Most of the resources here are specifically about mice, since that's mostly what's available on the Internet, but any rat research resources you or I can find can also belong here. Also, the links here are to pages in English, since that's all I can read and therefore I can't evaluate pages in other languages. If you'd like a page of links to rodent research references in another language (which you can read), you should definitely consider creating one. I encourage you to suggest new links to be added to this page, but please don't be dismayed if I don't respond to your email. I usually just stash suggestions away and process the stack a few times per year.

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