Stanisav Herman教授:Animal house for transgenic animals
摘要:2018年11月1日上午,在“第十六届中国北方实验动物科技年会”上,Zoonlab公司StanisavHerman教授受邀做了题为“animal house for transgenic animals”的专家报告。
2018年11月1日上午,在“第十六届中国北方实验动物科技年会”上,Zoonlab公司StanisavHerman教授受邀做了题为“animal house for transgenic animals”的专家报告。

Stanisav Herman教授做报告
Key qualifications/skills:
—Business/economy management
—Management of sales and export organisation
—Organisational setup of lab. animal facilities
—Risk management for lab. animal facilities
—Basic works with agricultural and laboratory animals
— Development of laboratory animal facilities
— Development of equipment for laboratory animal facilities
—Supporting works by designing of complete plants for laboratory animals as well for transgenic animals.
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下一篇:闫威博士:基于动物模型寻找男性非激素类避孕药[ 11-14 ]