
Carol Treasure :应用先进的体外科学提高消费品和化学品的安全性和有效性

2018年07月31日 浏览量: 评论(0) 来源: 中国实验动物信息网 发布者: 中国实验动物信息网
摘要:在第八届(国际)替代方法学术研讨培训会议的大会报告上,Carol Treasure做了题为“应用先进的体外科学提高消费品和化学品的安全性和有效性”的报告。

在第八届(国际)替代方法学术研讨培训会议的大会报告上,Carol Treasure做了题为“应用先进的体外科学提高消费品和化学品的安全性和有效性”的报告。



Carol Treasure  (英国XcellR8公司)
Dr Carol Treasure is the Founder and CEO of XCellR8, an animal-free testing laboratory based in Daresbury, UK. XCellR8 conduct in vitro safety and efficacy tests for global cosmetic companies including Lush and The Body Shop, as well as ingredient manufacturers and chemical companies. 
Carol holds a PhD from the University of Nottingham, based on skin cell biology and has devoted her career to using innovative science to replace animal testing. XCellR8’s work has been recognised at a regulatory level by the OECD and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), and is supported by top funding bodies such as Innovate UK and the European Horizon 2020 programme.

