

PLoS ONE:子宫供氧不足会致婴儿日后患心血管疾病

2012年03月01日 浏览量: 评论(0) 来源:生物谷 作者:佚名 责任编辑:lwc


近日,发表在PLoS ONE杂志上的一项研究证实:当胎儿长期处于供氧不足的子宫环境下,胚胎心脏功能会发生变化,主动脉壁变厚,血液不易流动。引发心血管疾病的危险因素或许在婴儿出生之前就已经存在,研究人员认为孕妇子宫内缺氧环境可能对胎儿成长过程中心脏健康有损害。






Developmental Programming of Cardiovascular Dysfunction by Prenatal Hypoxia and Oxidative Stress

Dino A. Giussani*, Emily J. Camm, Youguo Niu, Hans G. Richtera, Carlos E. Blancob, Rachel Gottschalk, E. Zachary Blake, Katy A. Horder, Avnesh S. Thakor, Jeremy A. et al.

Fetal hypoxia is a common complication of pregnancy. It has been shown to programme cardiac and endothelial dysfunction in the offspring in adult life. However, the mechanisms via which this occurs remain elusive, precluding the identification of potential therapy. Using an integrative approach at the isolated organ, cellular and molecular levels, we tested the hypothesis that oxidative stress in the fetal heart and vasculature underlies the molecular basis via which prenatal hypoxia programmes cardiovascular dysfunction in later life. In a longitudinal study, the effects of maternal treatment of hypoxic (13% O2) pregnancy with an antioxidant on the cardiovascular system of the offspring at the end of gestation and at adulthood were studied. On day 6 of pregnancy, rats (n = 20 per group) were exposed to normoxia or hypoxia ± vitamin C. At gestational day 20, tissues were collected from 1 male fetus per litter per group (n = 10). The remaining 10 litters per group were allowed to deliver. At 4 months, tissues from 1 male adult offspring per litter per group were either perfusion fixed, frozen, or dissected for isolated organ preparations. In the fetus, hypoxic pregnancy promoted aortic thickening with enhanced nitrotyrosine staining and an increase in cardiac HSP70 expression. By adulthood, offspring of hypoxic pregnancy had markedly impaired NO-dependent relaxation in femoral resistance arteries, and increased myocardial contractility with sympathetic dominance. Maternal vitamin C prevented these effects in fetal and adult offspring of hypoxic pregnancy. The data offer insight to mechanism and thereby possible targets for intervention against developmental origins of cardiac and peripheral vascular dysfunction in offspring of risky pregnancy.

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