
Nature:昆虫学重大发现 角蝉翼状翅膀经过2亿年演化淘汰后又重新长回来

2011年05月09日 浏览量: 评论(0) 来源:國際中心 作者:佚名 责任编辑:lwc



研究主笔人、法国马赛鲁米尼生物发展机构的普鲁道姆(Benjamin Prudhomme)说,「3亿5000万年前的原始昆虫身体每节都有翅膀。我们不晓得是不是用来飞行,不过我们确实知道,从化石纪录来看,这些翼状结构存在于身体每节上。」经过了1亿年,昆虫胸部第一节和腹部翅膀完全消失。




Nature 473, 83–86 (05 May 2011) doi:10.1038/nature09977

Body plan innovation in treehoppers through the evolution of an extra wing-like appendage

Benjamin Prud’homme1, Caroline Minervino1, Mélanie Hocine1, Jessica D. Cande1, A?cha Aouane1, Hélo?se D. Dufour2, Victoria A. Kassner2 & Nicolas Gompel1

Body plans, which characterize the anatomical organization of animal groups of high taxonomic rank1, often evolve by the reduction or loss of appendages (limbs in vertebrates and legs and wings in insects, for example). In contrast, the addition of new features is extremely rare and is thought to be heavily constrained, although the nature of the constraints remains elusive2, 3, 4. Here we show that the treehopper (Membracidae) ‘helmet’ is actually an appendage, a wing serial homologue on the first thoracic segment. This innovation in the insect body plan is an unprecedented situation in 250?Myr of insect evolution. We provide evidence suggesting that the helmet arose by escaping the ancestral repression of wing formation imparted by a member of the Hox gene family, which sculpts the number and pattern of appendages along the body axis5, 6, 7, 8. Moreover, we propose that the exceptional morphological diversification of the helmet was possible because, in contrast to the wings, it escaped the stringent functional requirements imposed by flight. This example illustrates how complex morphological structures can arise by the expression of ancestral developmental potentials and fuel the morphological diversification of an evolutionary lineage.

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