摘要:2017年6月21日,国际学术权威刊物自然出版集团旗下《Nature》杂志在线发表了美国生态健康联盟Kevin J. Olival研究员和Peter Daszak研究员的一项病毒学重要研究成果。
2017年6月21日,国际学术权威刊物自然出版集团旗下《Nature》杂志在线发表了美国生态健康联盟Kevin J. Olival研究员和Peter Daszak研究员的一项病毒学重要研究成果,研究组利用创建的庞大数据库,分析了动物携带多种病毒传人的可能性。该研究识别了影响病毒能否由动物传播给人类的重要因素,并给出最有可能对人类健康构成新威胁的地理位置,以及哺乳动物物种的图谱。
Kevin J. Olival称以上结果将能协助全球病毒发现项目去识别新型人畜共患病毒,并评估它们对人类健康的潜在威胁。
原文摘要:The majority of human emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic, with viruses that originate in wild mammals of particular concern (for example, HIV, Ebola and SARS). Understanding patterns of viral diversity in wildlife and determinants of successful cross-species transmission, or spillover, are therefore key goals for pandemic surveillance programs. However, few analytical tools exist to identify which host species are likely to harbour the next human virus, or which viruses can cross species boundaries. Here we conduct a comprehensive analysis of mammalian host–virus relationships and show that both the total number of viruses that infect a given species and the proportion likely to be zoonotic are predictable. After controlling for research effort, the proportion of zoonotic viruses per species is predicted by phylogenetic relatedness to humans, host taxonomy and human population within a species range—which may reflect human–wildlife contact. We demonstrate that bats harbour a significantly higher proportion of zoonotic viruses than all other mammalian orders. We also identify the taxa and geographic regions with the largest estimated number of ‘missing viruses’ and ‘missing zoonoses’ and therefore of highest value for future surveillance. We then show that phylogenetic host breadth and other viral traits are significant predictors of zoonotic potential, providing a novel framework to assess if a newly discovered mammalian virus could infect people.
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下一篇:Nature:鉴定出最可能携带对人类有风险的病毒的哺乳动物---蝙蝠[ 06-27 ]
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