


2016年11月16日 浏览量: 评论(0) 来源:生物帮 作者:生物帮 责任编辑:yjcadmin
摘要:2016年11月10日,国际学术权威刊物自然出版集团旗下子刊《Cell Death & Disease》在线发表了浙江大学基础医学院柯越海课题组题为"Manipulating the air-filled zebrafish swim bladder as a neutrophilic inflammation model for acute lung injury"的研究论文。

2016年11月10日,国际学术权威刊物自然出版集团旗下子刊《Cell Death & Disease》在线发表了浙江大学基础医学院柯越海课题组题为"Manipulating the air-filled zebrafish swim bladder as a neutrophilic inflammation model for acute lung injury"的研究论文。研究首次报道基于气囊化的斑马鱼鱼鳔,建立新型快速肺泡炎性损伤研究模型,该研究从方法学角度分别模拟空气细小颗粒(PM2.5)、细菌(脂多糖)以及病毒(Poly-IC)感染,建立斑马鱼急性损伤模型,通过比较生物学研究,探讨了炎性驱动的中性粒细胞迁移与浸润的病理损伤效应与作用途径。直博生张越飞为论文第一作者,柯越海和张雪老师为论文通讯作者。


相关阅读:Cell Res:浙大柯越海课题组揭示锚点蛋白GAB1调控过敏性哮喘新机制


Manipulating the air-filled zebrafish swim bladder as a neutrophilic inflammation model for acute lung injury


Acute lung injury (ALI) and its more severe form, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), are life-threatening diseases that are associated with high mortality rates due to treatment limitations. Neutrophils play key roles in the pathogenesis of ALI/ARDS by promoting the inflammation and injury of the alveolar microenvironment. To date, in vivo functional approaches have been limited by the inaccessibility to the alveolar sacs, which are located at the anatomical terminal of the respiratory duct in mammals. We are the first to characterize the swim bladder of the zebrafish larva, which is similar to the mammalian lung, as a real-time in vivo model for examining pulmonary neutrophil infiltration during ALI. We observed that the delivery of exogenous materials, including lipopolysaccharide (LPS), Poly IC and silica nanoparticles, by microinjection triggered significant time- and dose-dependent neutrophil recruitment into the swim bladder. Neutrophils infiltrated the LPS-injected swim bladder through the blood capillaries around the pneumatic duct or a site near the pronephric duct. An increase in the post-LPS inflammatory cytokine mRNA levels coincided with the in vivo neutrophil aggregation in the swim bladder. Microscopic examinations of the LPS-injected swim bladders further revealed in situinjuries, including epithelial distortion, endoplasmic reticulum swelling and mitochondrial injuries. Inhibitor screening assays with this model showed a reduction in neutrophil migration into the LPS-injected swim bladder in response to Shp2 inhibition. Moreover, the pharmacological suppression and targeted disruption of Shp2 in myeloid cells alleviated pulmonary inflammation in the LPS-induced ALI mouse model. Additionally, we used this model to assess pneumonia-induced neutrophil recruitment by microinjecting bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients into swim bladders; this injection enhanced neutrophil aggregation relative to the control. In conclusion, our findings highlight the swim bladder as a promising and powerful model for mechanistic and drug screening studies of alveolar injuries.

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