几年前,研究人员发现,SCN神经细胞中具有大麻素类物质的受体。在这项新的研究中,由美国耶鲁大学生理节律生物学家Anthony van den Pol领导的一个研究小组,试图搞清这些受体到底扮演了一个什么样的角色。
研究小组相信大麻素类物质可能对人体也能够产生类似的影响。van den Pol指出,当人们吸食大麻时,他们往往会失去对时间的概念。他说,这可能是因为毒品中的大麻素类物质使吸毒者的SCN神经细胞被不规律地激活,进而扰乱了其体内的生物钟。
美国伊利诺伊州埃文斯顿市西北大学的昼夜节律研究人员Joseph Bass表示,这项工作支持了这样一种理论,即使人上瘾的物质能够影响人体的昼夜节律。有意思的是,这看起来似乎是必然的,但直到最近,有关上瘾物质的研究才瞄准大脑的奖赏系统。Bass指出,能够影响奖赏系统和昼夜节律的分子证据才刚刚出现。
The Journal of Neuroscience doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2098-10.2010
Kisspeptin Directly Excites Anorexigenic Proopiomelanocortin Neurons but Inhibits Orexigenic Neuropeptide Y Cells by an Indirect Synaptic Mechanism
Li-Ying Fu and Anthony N. van den Pol
Department of Neurosurgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06520
The neuropeptide kisspeptin is necessary for reproduction, fertility, and puberty. Here, we show strong kisspeptin innervation of hypothalamic anorexigenic proopiomelanocortin (POMC) cells, coupled with a robust direct excitatory response by POMC neurons (n > 200) to kisspeptin, mediated by mechanisms based on activation of a sodium/calcium exchanger and possibly opening of nonselective cation channels. The excitatory actions of kisspeptin on POMC cells were corroborated with quantitative PCR data showing kisspeptin receptor GPR54 expression in the arcuate nucleus, and the attenuation of excitation by the selective kisspeptin receptor antagonist, peptide 234. In contrast, kisspeptin inhibits orexigenic neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons through an indirect mechanism based on enhancing GABA-mediated inhibitory synaptic tone. In striking contrast, gonadotropin-inhibiting hormone (GnIH and RFRP-3) and NPY, also found in axons abutting POMC cells, inhibit POMC cells and attenuate the kisspeptin excitation by a mechanism based on opening potassium channels. Together, these data suggest that the two central peptides that regulate reproduction, kisspeptin and GnIH, exert a strong direct action on POMC neurons. POMC cells may hypothetically serve as a conditional relay station downstream of kisspeptin and GnIH to signal the availability of energy resources relevant to reproduction.
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