


2010年06月09日 浏览量: 评论(0) 来源:医药经济报 作者:佚名 责任编辑:lwc
摘要:最新一期的《自然·医学》(Nature Medicine)发表文章表示,用于预防乳腺癌的疫苗研究有了重大进展,并将于2年内开始进行临床试验。

最新一期的《自然·医学》(Nature Medicine)发表文章表示,用于预防乳腺癌的疫苗研究有了重大进展,并将于2年内开始进行临床试验。

该疫苗由美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰医院的Vincent Tuohy教授研发。与通常以病毒活动周期为靶向的疫苗不同,Tuohy教授从免疫学的角度出发,对α-乳清蛋白抗原对乳腺癌的作用进行了研究,该抗原可以激发人体免疫系统对α-乳清蛋白产生特异性的免疫作用。由于α-乳清蛋白仅见于乳腺癌患者和处于哺乳阶段的女性,因此,α-乳清蛋白抗原对乳腺癌具有防治作用。





Nature Medicine  doi:10.1038/nm.2161

An autoimmune-mediated strategy for prophylactic breast cancer vaccination
Ritika Jaini,Pavani Kesaraju,Justin M Johnson,Cengiz Z Altuntas,Daniel Jane-wit& Vincent K Tuohy

Department of Immunology, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Ritika Jaini, Pavani Kesaraju, Justin M Johnson, Cengiz Z Altuntas, Daniel Jane-wit & Vincent K Tuohy
Department of Biology, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Pavani Kesaraju & Vincent K Tuohy

Although vaccination is most effective when used to prevent disease, cancer vaccine development has focused predominantly on providing therapy against established growing tumors1. The difficulty in developing prophylactic cancer vaccines is primarily due to the fact that tumor antigens are variations of self proteins and would probably mediate profound autoimmune complications if used in a preventive vaccine setting2. Here we use several mouse breast cancer models to define a prototypic strategy for prophylactic cancer vaccination. We selected α-lactalbumin as our target vaccine autoantigen because it is a breast-specific differentiation protein expressed in high amounts in the majority of human breast carcinomas3, 4, 5 and in mammary epithelial cells only during lactation6, 7, 8, 9. We found that immunoreactivity against α-lactalbumin provides substantial protection and therapy against growth of autochthonous tumors in transgenic mouse models of breast cancer and against 4T1 transplantable breast tumors in BALB/c mice. Because α-lactalbumin is conditionally expressed only during lactation, vaccination-induced prophylaxis occurs without any detectable inflammation in normal nonlactating breast tissue. Thus, α-lactalbumin vaccination may provide safe and effective protection against the development of breast cancer for women in their post–child-bearing, premenopausal years, when lactation is readily avoidable and risk for developing breast cancer is high10.

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