


2010年04月01日 浏览量: 评论(0) 来源:《皇家学会学报B》 作者:佚名 责任编辑:lwc

研究人员表示,成功从蛋壳中提取DNA样本,“在考古学和古生物学研究领域均具有重大意义”。澳大利亚莫道克大学生物学家夏洛特·奥斯卡姆(Charlotte Oskam)和同事表示,蛋壳是一种具有良好遗传物质恢复性的薄膜,在世界各地的化石沉积物中经常被发现,而他们从蛋壳中提取DNA样本的研究在全球范围内尚属首例。研究结果刊登在英国《皇家学会学报B辑—生物科学》(Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences)上。


Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences doi: 10.1098/rspb.2009.2019

Fossil avian eggshell preserves ancient DNA
Charlotte L. Oskam1, James Haile2,3, Emma McLay1, Paul Rigby4, Morten E. Allentoft1,5, Maia E. Olsen3, Camilla Bengtsson3, Gifford H. Miller6,7, Jean-Luc Schwenninger8, Chris Jacomb9, Richard Walter9, Alexander Baynes10, Joe Dortch11, Michael Parker-Pearson12, M. Thomas P. Gilbert3, Richard N. Holdaway5, Eske Willerslev3 and Michael Bunce1,*

Owing to exceptional biomolecule preservation, fossil avian eggshell has been used extensively in geochronology and palaeodietary studies. Here, we show, to our knowledge, for the first time that fossil eggshell is a previously unrecognized source of ancient DNA (aDNA). We describe the successful isolation and amplification of DNA from fossil eggshell up to 19 ka old. aDNA was successfully characterized from eggshell obtained from New Zealand (extinct moa and ducks), Madagascar (extinct elephant birds) and Australia (emu and owl). Our data demonstrate excellent preservation of the nucleic acids, evidenced by retrieval of both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA from many of the samples. Using confocal microscopy and quantitative PCR, this study critically evaluates approaches to maximize DNA recovery from powdered eggshell. Our quantitative PCR experiments also demonstrate that moa eggshell has approximately 125 times lower bacterial load than bone, making it a highly suitable substrate for high-throughput sequencing approaches. Importantly, the preservation of DNA in Pleistocene eggshell from Australia and Holocene deposits from Madagascar indicates that eggshell is an excellent substrate for the long-term preservation of DNA in warmer climates. The successful recovery of DNA from this substrate has implications in a number of scientific disciplines; most notably archaeology and palaeontology, where genotypes and/or DNA-based species identifications can add significantly to our understanding of diets, environments, past biodiversity and evolutionary processes.

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